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Robert Traer
Hubble photo of the early universe


Widening Our Compassion

Abba,* God of Jesus.

May we heed the cry of the earth

and the cries of the poor.

May we live humbly so the soil will revive,

more species survive, and nature thrive.

May we overcome temptation and evil

by widening our compassion for life on earth.

May we mourn our abuse of the earth's biosphere

and repent of the harm we have done.

Abba,* Spirit of the cosmos, Light and Love,

may your grace lead us home.

            Explaining this prayer


Books by Robert Traer         

Blog: Going Home

Family and friends have taught me that forgiving love is life's greatest calling.


I am grateful to Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, secular, Sikh, Shinto, and Unitarian Universalist friends for sharing their experiences.**

I strive to "do justice, and love mercy, and walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8) 

I support the rule of law that respects human rights, including the right to religious freedom.


With Pope Frances, may we heed the urgent cries from nature to cut our greenhouse gas emissions and create an ecological civilization.


Scientists have discovered that supernova star explosions create the elements required for life on our planet. Star death gave us life!


Grace, resonating across the cosmos and in near-death and shared death experiences, reveals the God of Light and Love.

In each moment, Abba encourages us to trust in acts of creative justice and regenerative compassion.


*Abba is the Aramaic word for "father" that Jesus used when praying to the loving God he knew and shared with all those who had "ears to hear."


 **Between 1990-2001 I led an international interfaith organization of religious communities striving for greater freedom as minorities in their countries.



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