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The Coventry Carol


Lully, lullay, O little tiny child. By by, lully, lullay.


O sisters now, what shall we do, to keep our children safe,
From soldiers sent to slay them all. 


Bye bye, lully lullay.


Herod the king is now raging, for magi stole away
To keep from telling Herod w
here, Jesus the new king lay.


O Mary, take your child and flee, to keep him safe today.
We will remain and mourn the slain. 


Bye bye, lully lullay.


Lully, lullay, O little tiny child. Bye bye, lully, lullay.


Traditional English carol
Words edited by Robert Traer


In the Dark of Winter

In the dark of winter, when the sun is low. 
Frost appears upon the ground, skies release their snow. 
Cold wind makes us shiver, as we come and go.
In the dark of winter, when the sun is low.


Has death won a victory?  Will the earth revive? 
Will the love we know and share, keep our hopes alive? 
In the dark and hardened ground: Will seeds grow once more?
In our dark and burdened hearts: Will our faith survive?


Then we tell of Jesus, born in Bethlehem. 
In a lowly stable, outside a full inn. 
As his mother, Mary, nursed him in the night,
Angels sang their carols, and a star burned bright.


Shepherds came to see him, kings came bearing gifts. 
In the dark of winter, time began to shift. 
When the morning sun arose, birds began to sing.
So on Christmas morning, we remember him.


In the dark of winter, when we’re feeling low. 
Then we share with those we love, gifts that tell them so. 
And we sing of Jesus, who was crucified,
So we all might live in peace, and keep hope alive.


Sung to the traditional English carol, "In the Bleak Midwinter"
Words edited by Robert Traer


Jesus Born in Bethlehem


Jesus born in Bethlehem, on a dark night full of fear.
In a stable Joseph watched 
as Mary kept her baby close beside her, beside her.


He was born to set us free, to inspire us all to see:
That our lives are gifts of love; 
that we can be as loving as we want, to be.


Light a candle, sing with joy, share a story, start a fire.
Say a prayer for those in need, 

enjoy the morning dawn and in the evening, the stars.


Jesus lived so we might live, Jesus gave so we might give.
Follow him and share your life; 
and you will find out what it means to be, alive.


German carol
Words edited by Robert Traer


Savior of the Nations, Come


Savior of the nations, come; Mary’s son, make earth your home.
Wonder now, on heaven and earth, that the Lord chose such a birth.


God, the Father, gave you life, left you here to face the strife.
On the cross you conquered death; gave us life with your last breath.


You, the Father’s only son, have o’er sin the victory won.
Endless shall your kingdom be; when shall we its glories see.


Brightly does your manger shine; wondrous is its light divine.
Through the dark show us the way, may your light guide us today.


Ambrose, 4th century
Words edited by Robert Traer


We Three Kings


We three kings have come from afar. Bearing gifts, we follow your star.
Jesus, born to rule with justice, lead us to where you are.



O, star of wonder, star of night, star that burns with beauty bright,
Lead us on, for we will follow, guide us through the dark of night.



Born so poor, but soon to be king, for your crown, pure gold I bring.
Rule with justice, end all tyranny; and on earth let freedom ring.




Frankincense to Mary I bring, with a fragrance fit for a king.
God of glory, we will serve you; with hope and joy we sing.




Myrrh I bring, its bitter perfume, warns us of a time of gloom.
When his dead and broken body lies in a cold, stone tomb.



Glorious now, behold the child; son of Mary, meek and mild.
God now calls us all to follow him, to become reconciled.



An American carol
Words edited by Robert Traer


What Child Is This?


What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
Make haste to come to him, the child who is born of Mary.


Why lies he in a stable dark, where ox and ass are feeding?
Why should we fear the soldiers near, will hear his mother weeping?
This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
Make haste to come to him, the child who is born of Mary.


So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, all wondrous gifts fit for a king.
For God’s salvation he will bring to all whose hearts are open.
This, this is Christ the king, whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
Make haste to come to him, the child who is born of Mary.


English carol
Words edited by Robert Traer


             Songs for Our Time

Abba Hallelujah
Be Still
Come Follow
Faith in One Another
My Prayer

         Going Home Alleluia

Music by Robert Traer
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